The Author

Manoel Jacintho Coelho

Manoel Jacintho Coelho

Born in December 30, 1903, in the old Federal District, on Barão do Iguatemi Street, Matoso Neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro. Deceased in January 13, 1991, on his residence in Vila de Cava - Nova Iguaçú, known as Rational Retreat.

He is the maximum exponent of the RATIONAL CULTURE, the Culture of the Third Millenium of the Rational Phase, having initiated the Literary Work “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” in October 4, 1935, translated in several languages. A man that is simple of the most simple, tolerant of the most tolerant, with no vanities and with no ambitions. He reasons only the good of everyone and work day and night to everyone's salvation.

Through the RATIONAL ENERGY, he has dictated the messages that compose the Literary Work, clarifying and describing the true origin of the humanity, in a modest language, to reach all the intelectual capacities, from the humblest to the most wealthy, what brings us to the conviction that this Man is an Illuminated and this Literary Work, source of truth, is of Superior Origin.

For what he has been doing and spreading in the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil and in the World through his Literary Work that is bringing only cultural benefits across all the natural, artificial and spiritual fields, has conquered the right of being consagrated as MERITORIOUS and other 22 titles that may represent in a pale but sincere tribute to WHO is, above all, a Benefactor of Humanity.

Honor Titles

Medalha Doutor “ULISSES GUIMARÃES”, homenagem da OPB – Ordem dos Parlamentares do Brasil – concedida à Sra. Atna Jacintho Coelho in memoriam do Sr. Manoel Jacintho Coelho – recebida em 07 de junho de 2005.

Medal of Honor of the Inconfidência: received on April 21, 1986 in São João del Rey, Minas Gerais, in the presence of the then President of the Republic, Dr. José Sarney.

(Source: Rational Culture Dossier, Book Horseman of Concord)
