Selo Rio+20

In 1992, at the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, during the ECO/92 event (International Conference of the United Nations/UN for the Environment) the Rational Culture has contributed with the main theme - The Environment - through its marching band (Banda União Racional - UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO) and its caravan-students. This participation was characterized by the propaganda of the importance and appreciation of the nature, by the knowledge and the recognition of the nature as the source that generates all the natural resources. This event has happened at the Flamengo Park (Aterro do Flamengo).

Twenty years later, in the same context of social and humanitarian contributions to the environment, the Rational Culture has participated of another UN International Conference. Through the HUMANITARE institute, an agency linked to the United Nations in Brazil to the Civil Society, the Rational Culture was invited to enter the Official Program for the RIO+20 , aligned with the main theme – Sustainable Development.

This participation was presented on the Official Opening of the Worldwide Week of the Environment between July 3-4, 2012. During the first event a Civil March was realized on the coastline of the Leblon and Ipanema beaches with the participation of the Military Police Music Band, the Rotary Club International and Lions Club, together with the Rational Band and the caravan-students, with aproximately 3000 components. On the second event, on a reserved place, the Rational Band and the Military Police Musical Band have realized the Official Opening of the Program together. RIO+20 & YOU to national and international authorities, on the dependencies of the Rio Planetário (Rio Planetarium) - Forum linked to the Rio de Janeiro's City Hall.

For the participation on this event, the Rational Culture has received the UN Seal - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

Evidence of practical actions to attempt to influence and raise awareness of the civil society to the alert of the nature's changes, aiming for a better world.

Therefore, we reinforce the Rational Culture's humanitarian commitment with the sustainable development and the environmental preservation.

(Source: Cultura Racional Dossier)

Selo Rio+20  and You Rio+20 Humanitare
